Welcome to Simple Self-Publishing
Opening a world of possibilities by showing you how simple it is to publish your book - or books!
Hi! I’m Theresa Goodrich, and I’d like to congratulate you on taking control of your author career. It’s an exciting adventure, one filled with a deep sense of accomplishment. There’s nothing like holding your book in your hands, knowing that you brought it to life, from thoughts in your head to the book on your shelf. It’s my honor to help you do that.
As you think about everything involved with publishing a book, from editing to formatting to the various platforms (and don’t get me started on marketing!), it can be overwhelming.
But I’m here to tell you: you can do it! Consider this membership a checklist, and instead of wondering what to do next or feeling like you’ve missed a step, you’ll know you’ve ticked all the boxes.
Why me?
I won’t go too deep into my bio, but suffice it to say, I’ve wanted to be an author since I was a little girl. I finally made that dream a reality when I was 47 years old. Partnering with a publisher, my first book came out in 2017. I decided to publish my second book on my own in 2018, and subsequently got the rights back for my first.
Then, in 2020, I was diagnosed with cancer. After completing my third book while undergoing chemo, I decided I wasn’t messing around any more.
Since then, I’ve published over a dozen more books, including two anthologies with multiple authors. As my expertise and my reputation have grown, more and more aspiring authors have come to me with questions. How can they do what I’m doing?
Why Simple Self-Publishing?
And Simple Self-Publishing was born.
The course was your standard multi-module affair and I charged a few hundred dollars for it. It’s worth it; however, that’s a big chunk of change when you’re just starting out. Maybe you don’t want to become a career author; maybe you want to publish one or two. Spending that much may not make sense.
And I WANT you to get your book out there. I WANT you to make your dream come true. Self-publishing changed my life, and whether you want to publish multiple books a year or just want to get that one important story into the world, I want to help.
Because of that, I’m converting the course into a low-ticket membership. I want you to feel that sense of fulfillment that comes when you hold your book in your hands.
What’s in here?
Simple Self-Publishing is a collection of clear to-the-point posts and videos that break down everything you need to know to publish your book.
I’ve tried to make the process as simple as possible by putting each step into its own lesson, most of them with video instructions. We cover:
The Basics
There are lots of industry terms, so I’m included a glossary, too. This will grow as you and other authors ask about jargon I haven’t included yet. Examples are “going wide,” developmental edit, front and back matter, etc. Feel free to email me any time you come across something that’s unfamiliar or needs more clarification.
The Recommended Resources section will be a goldmine of additional places to learn more about the many facets of independent publishing.
This is an exciting experience, and while I know this statement is a cliche, it’s also a journey.
You’re starting this process with words on a page. You’ll end it with a book on a shelf, or in someone’s tablet, and most excitingly, in a reader’s hands. Hopefully, in many readers’ hands!
You can do this. You can be a published author. I’ll show you how.
Are you ready to get started? Great!
Your first step is to review the overview.
This covers the process from manuscript to completed product. It’s focused on the publication aspect. There are a few marketing steps included, but promoting your book is a whole series of lessons.
A note on marketing: it’s never too early to start promoting your book!
Some of these lessons are for first-time publishers, like the one explaining the differences between being exclusive and going wide. After you’ve got a book or two under your belt, you probably won’t need to view those again. If there are any significant changes, I’ll update the lesson and let you know.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for you! Choosing to control your author life is a meaningful decision that will have rippling repercussions.
Are you ready? Let’s do this!